Any individual submitting IQ test results to the ePiq admissions officer for the express purpose of seeking membership within the ePiq society must do so while conforming to the ePiq website membership acceptance test list as shown on our website.
If the test you wish to use for admission purposes does not appear on the list below then the ePiq society will only accept properly administered and supervised IQ tests as recognized by the ePiq testing staff and or their duly authorized agent's working under the auspices of the ePiq testing division.
Any attempts or inquires to use non-accepted tests outside of the range of stated accepted tests discussed previously in this message will not be responded to. If you would like to join ePiq, and you meet the qualifying conditions please copy and send it to the Membership Officer along with your attached score report showing your qualifying score.
Note: continued membership is not implied nor guaranteed and membership can be revoked at any time upon receiving probable cause to do so, as may be found in the opinions of the ePiq Society officers.
By applying for membership, you automatically agree to abide by all statements and conditions as set forth on this admissions page.
The minimum requirement for admission is an age corrected IQ of 143 (SD=15) which is at or above the 99.8th percentile of the unselected population.
*ePiq only accept IQ tests supervised by professionals authorized to conduct psychometric testing, such as psychologists, neuropsychologists or neurologists. If you have an IQ score at or above 143 sd 15 (99.8th), please send its report to us for evaluation. If you have never taken an IQ test, you may do it so with one of our designated professional in your country. For more information, please contact us.
Law School Admission Test(LSAT), 171 - (after May 1991)
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, SB-LM, 146
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, SB-IV, 146
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, SB-5, 143
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale(WAIS), 143
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children(WISC), 143
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence(WPPSI), 143
Hamburg-Wechsler-Intelligenztest für Erwachsene Hamburg Wechsler Intelligence Test for Adults(HAWIE-R), 143
Hamburg Wechsler Intelligenztest für Erwachsene(HAWI-E), 143
Hamburg Wechsler Intelligenztest für Kinder(HAWI-K), 143
Cattell Culture Fair Test (CFT), 169
California Test of Mental Maturity(CTMM), 146
Reynolds Adaptive Intelligence Test(RAIT), 143
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